Saturday, January 22, 2011

Q&A: Could a photography student use a student loan to buy a camera with?

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by John Dunne Photography (JdP)

Question by jb: Could a photography student use a student loan to buy a camera with?

I'm going to a community college for an associates degree in communications with a concentration in photography. Could I get enough money to buy a Canon 5D Mark II? ~,000. I'm planning to use it all throughout school. How would I go about getting loans or grants for this purchase?
My tuition is around a grand a semester, also.
I'm already paying tuition myself. I never applied for financial aid before. My parent can't afford to help at all.

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Answer by rorschachac
I wouldn't use a loan for a camera. Try asking your parents/guardians for the money and pay them back over time with steady monthly checks or something.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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